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 Birthday Ideas

Birthday Party Ideas

The latest kid birthday party ideas including Kid birthday cakes, themes, games and more, for a fun party your child will love.


Ideas compliments of:
Birthday Party Ideas

Airplane Party - Up up and away!
Alphabet Party - A is for apple, B is for ball, C is for candy, but don't eat it all.
Aquarium Party - For those lucky enough to live near a public aquarium.
Army Party - Your in the army now, with cake ice cream and chow.
Around the World Party - Get out your passports.
Arts and Crafts Party - Everyone gets to create their own work of art.
Backwards Party - For those people who have trouble going forward in life.
Barbie Party - Let's call Ken!
Barnyard Party - Moo, oink, squawk, quack, whiney, snort, woof, meow, baa, etc.
Batman Party - To the Bat Cave!
Beach Party - Beach baby, beach baby give me your hand.......
Blues Clues Party - Everyone loves this little blue puppy!
Book and Book Exchange Parties - Get your library cards out!
Bowling Party - Be sure they have kid size balls.
Bug Party - Butterflies I can understand but insects!
Buzz Lightyear - To infinity and beyond!
Butterfly Party - What else could you put on a flower to complement it?
Camping Party - For those outdoor types.
Care Bears Party
Carnival Party - Step-up, step-up lets win a prize.
Cartoon Characters - All the others not listed.
Christmas Party - Here comes Santa Claus.
Christmas Cookie Party - Make colorful Christmas cookies.
Cinderella Party - Wash the floors Cinderella.
Circus Party - And now, in the center ring........
Clifford the Big Red Dog - Clifford, T-Bone and Cleo.
Clown Party - Bring in the clowns!
Color Party - My favorite color is blue, what's yours?
Construction Party - Power up your saws and earth movers.
Cooking Party - Patty-cake patty-cake, baker's man, bake me a cake!
Cowboy Party - Howdy partner.
Cowgirl Party - Howdy partner.
Dalmatian Party - Look out for that mean lady in the spotted jacket.
Dance Party - Get ready to shake, twist and shout!
Dinosaur Party - Ever thought you would invite a T-Rex over?
Disney Princess Party - Cinderella, Cinderella!
Dora the Explorer Party - Grab your backpacks.
Dress-Up Party - Always a favorite.
Elmo Party - A well red favorite.
Egyptian Party - Walk like an Egyptian.
Fairy Party - Come and fly away with all the fairy princesses.
Fear Factor Party - Yucky stuff.
Fiesta - Get out your sombreros, the mariachi are here!
Fifties Party - Poodle skirts, T-shirts and greased up hair.
Fire Truck and Firehouse Parties - Ding, ding, ding ding, ding, ding.........
Fishing Party - Kids as well as dads can tell a whopper of a story after this party is over.
Food and Snacks - Ideas to keep those hungry critters happy.
Games - Check out this new party games category!
Garden Party - I hope you have a green thumb!
Gymnastics Party - For the kid who loves to tumble.
Halloween Party - For the October birthday.
Harry Potter Party - Lets all go to Hogwarts.
Hoe Down Party - Grab your pardners and Do Sa Do.
Hollywood Premier Party - And the winner is.......
Ice Cream Party - And lots of ice cream ideas!
Ice Skating Party - Everyone has so much fun falling.
Karaoke Party - For the kid who likes to sing.
Knights of the Round Table - Oh Sir Lancelot. To the Queen!!
Ladybug Party - The bug that everyone loves.
Lego Party - Has anyone seen a small flat red square?
Luau Party - Lets go to the islands!
Madeline - Lets go to France.
Makeover Party - Get out that copy of children's Vogue.
Mall Party - Grab your plastic, we're going to the mall!
Mermaid - Lets swim with the fish and sing with the crabs!
Miniature Golf Party - Fun for all those little "Tiger Woods."
Miscellaneous - All the other stuff!
Movie Theater Party - Lets all go see a movie!
Mystery Party - Ok my dear Watson, who did it.
Peter Pan Party - Off to NeverLand.
Pharaoh Party - Walk like an Egyptian.
Pirate Party - Aargh aargh ye maties! Shiver me timbers and pass the doubloons.
Pizza Parlor & Fun Zone - Chuckee Cheeses and other pizza places.
Playdoh Party - Let's sculpt a masterpiece!
Play Party - Romeo, oh Romeo, where arth thou Romeo?
Pokemon Party - A favorite kids character.
Pony Party - Giddy-up little cowpokes!
Pooh - Winnie the Pooh
Pool Party - Bring your bathing suits and sun-block.
Princess Party - Every girl´s dream.
Racing Party - For those kids who love cars.
Rescue Heroes Party - Cool Guys who are good guys.
Restaurant Party - Specialty restaurants like Rain Forest Cafe are exciting.
Rock Star Party - For the kid who likes to lip-sync.
Rock Climbing Party - Everyone just hanging around.
Rodeo Party - Ride m' cowboy!
Roller Skating Party - Fast and hungry.
Rubber Ducky Party - Just add Mister Bubble.
Safari Party - Sleep-over in the wild or jeep into the back-country.
Scooby Doo Party - Got a Scooby snack Shaggy?
Scavenger Hunt Party - You don't happen to have an eye dropper?
Science Party - Let's mix up some potions.
Scrapbook Party - You will never forget these memories.
Sesame Street Party
Sixties Party - Groovy baby!
Sleep Over Party - Sleep? HA!! "Sleep is over" for mom & dad.
Snow White Party - I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream...
Spa Party - Lets go for a facial!
Space Party - For the alien in your home.
Splash in the Backyard - Slip-n-slides, sprinklers and squirt guns.
SpongeBob Squarepants - Are ya ready kids?
Sports Party - Bring your bat, glove and energy.
Spy Party - Is that your shoe ringing?
Star Wars Party - May the force be with you.
Strawberry Shortcake Party - These dolls are berry cute.
Surprise Party - Surprise!
Survivor Party - Don't vote me off the tribe.
Sweet 16 Party - Teens, teens and more teens.
Tea Party - Every girl loves a tea party.
Teddy Bear Party - Oh Pooh!
Thomas the Tank Engine Party - Are we in Sodor?
Toy Story Party - To infinity and beyond!
Train Party - What child wouldn't love a train party?
Under the Sea - Lets swim with the fish and sing with the crabs!
Western Style Party - Fire up the barbecue and cook up the beans.
Wiggles Party
Willy Wonka Party - I've got a golden ticket!
Winnie the Pooh
Wizard of Oz Party - We're off to see the Wizard!
Woody and Buzz Lightyear Party - You've got a friend in me.
Zorro Party - For the swashbuckler in all of us!
50s and 60s Party - Groovy Baby!

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