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 Homework Help

  1. - designed for kids (and their parents) to find fun, educational, and safe spots to visit on the World Wide Web.
  2. Ask the Experts
  3. Awesome Library - K-12 Education Directory
  4. Ben's Guide to the U.S. Government for Kids - site introduces children to how the government works. It covers the U.S. Constitution, how laws are made, the branches of government, and citizenship. The site is divided into sections aimed at age groups K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12, with a separate section for parents and educators.
  5. Biology Project, The
  6. Biographical Dictionary - contains biographical information on over 18,000 people from ancient times to the present day
  7. - "At Blackboard.comSM, you can teach online for free, take distance-learning courses, utilize 239 discipline-specific resource centers and customize them to match your own classes, share tips and information with other online teachers and students, and much more."
  8. Calculators - Online Center - over 18,400 online calculators
  9. Citing Electronic Resources
  10. Classroom Resources Activities for the Environment
  11. Cliff's Notes - Complete Series
  12. Convert It! - Convert just about anything to anything else. Over 5,000 units, and 50,000 conversions.
  13. Conversion Factors
  14. Curious Math - tricks and rules for quickly calculating certain types of math problems. There's also some entertaining trivia and other math facts that are nice to slip into casual conversation. Some of it's Useful and some of it's Curious.
  15. Education 4 Kids - "Once upon a time there was a dream that there would be a set of resources on the net that would exist solely for kids to use as an educational "center". A place where they could come and play drill games to better their skills and to learn. This is the place."
  16. Educational Hotlists - from the Franklin Institute
  17. Educational Index - an annotated guide to the best education-related sites on the Web.
  18. - "Provides data and statistics on public elementary schools and private elementary schools to pick the best school in an area or for research."
  19. Elements of Style - William Strunk's classic on proper English usage.
  20. EspanOle - "The On-line Resource for Students and Teachers of Spanish!"
  21. Explore Learning
  22. - Site for young students with info on everything from dragons and giants to pets and proverbs.
  23. Facts Encyclopedia - Refdesk - Over 70 Subject Categories.
  24. Facts Subject Index - Refdesk - 24 Reference Categories
  25. Franklin's Forecast - Information for students about various weather phenomenon and forecasting.There is a simple experiment that demonstrates the causes of El Nino, instructions for building a weather station, and has links to related science projects to do either at home or online.
  26. From Stargazers to Starships - This high-school level tutorial focuses on three topics: Astronomy of the Earth‚s motion in space which includes information, and some experiments and projects that teach concepts about the calendar, seasons, Kepler‚s laws, building a sundial, and more; Newtonian mechanics has some projects for understanding Newton‚s laws and discussion of mass and motion; and Spaceflight and Spacecraft demonstrates the principle of the rocket, covers Goddard and early rockets, and moves on to discussions of future spacecraft propulsion efforts such as nuclear power and space sails.
  27. - "The Internet's #1 Education Site for K-8."
  28. FunSchool - has loads of Java-based educational games for kids from preschool to sixth grade.
  29. General Chemistry Online - An introductory, searchable guide to chemistry that includes hyperlinked notes and guides for first semester chemistry, as well as articles. There is also a searchable glossary of over 900 terms, over 400 FAQs and a trivia quiz.
  30. Government Resources for Students - "We've compiled this list of 50 fun and interactive websites that will not only help you learn more about the American government and its supporting agencies, but also get you thinking on a deeper level about our country's history, culture, and what it means to be an American citizen."
  31. Guide to Geography - - resources include online world atlas, weekly articles about geography, annotated links to hundreds of sites, weekly quizzes, chats, and a free email newsletter.
  32. Historical Documents - The Avalon Project at Yale Law School
  33. HomeworkSpot
  34. How Stuff Works
  35. How Everything Works
  36. Human-Languages Page - best language links on the Internet
  37. Infomine - resources of relevance to faculty, students, and research staff at the university level.
  38. Internet Classics Archive, The. - searchable collection of almost 400 classical Greek and Roman texts (in English translation) with user-provided commentary
  39. Internet Public Library
  40. Kidinfo - A great way to find both fun stuff and information for completing your homework assignments.
  41. KidsClick! - "web guide and search tool for kids by librarians"
  42. - Site for kids preschool through sixth grade to play free learning games online.
  43. LibrarySpot - a virtual library resource center for educators and students, librarians and their patrons, families, businesses and just about anyone exploring the Web for valuable research information
  44. Library of Congress Home Page
  45. Mad Scientist Network - Answers on everything from Anatomy to Zoology.
  46. - Free math homework help, math tutoring, math formulas and cool math stuff. Recommendations on books, calculators and products for students, parents, and teachers.
  47. The Math Forum Internet Mathematics Library
  48. Math Help: Professor Freedman - a mixture of sound, humor, color, animation and graphics with lots of help for the "math anxious" student. Its aim is to give students a self-directed and entertaining way to learn basic math and algebra.
  49. Math in Daily Life - site shows how math helps us in our daily lives. It demonstrates math concepts such as probability, compounding, growth, geometry, and relationships in situations such as gambling, savings and investing, population growth, home decorating, and cooking.
  50. Math Word Problems for Children - over 2000 math word problems for children to learn from and enjoy. The pages are sorted by topic and level of difficulty. Each problem is designed to improve elementary and middle school students' critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  51. Metric Conversion Card - Use this easy chart to convert inches to centimeters, pounds to kilograms, Fahrenheit to Celsius, and more.
  52. Mint, The - An economics and money management primer that addresses how to earn, budget, save, and invest money in today's society. Issues covered include the stock market, credit cards, inflation, income, expenses, interest rates, the relationship between higher education and earning potential, and more. Designed for middle school and high school students, with a section for teachers and parents
  53. - "Vocabulary University participants learn English vocabulary in context (grades 2-12) with free word puzzles and activities. Vocabulary content includes lesson plans, word lists, vocabulary word games, top SAT/ACT words, SAT/ACT vocabulary puzzles, thematic exercises and crosswords for vocabulary building."
  54. - a massive central data source and a handy way to graphically compare nations. NationMaster is a vast compilation of data from such sources as the CIA World Factbook, UN, and OECD. Using the form above, you can generate maps and graphs on all kinds of statistics with ease.
  55. Neuroscience for Kids - Explore the nervous system, using experiments, activities, and games to learn about the brain, spinal cord, neurons, and senses. The site, which includes links to other sites and current events in the field, is appropriate to students of all ages.
  56. Nye Labs Online - Bill Nye the Science Guy's Web site is as lively and funny as his television show. Select Demo of the Day for a different daily science experiment you can do at home. In Home Demos are over 40 different demonstrations, complete with explanations of how things work.
  57. Old Farmer's Almanac
  58. OneLook Dictionaries - over 640,000 words in 109 dictionaries
  59. Perry-Castaneda Library Map Collection
  60. Periodic Table - WebElements
  61. Perseus Project, The - detailed searchable library of texts, translations, art and archaeology of Ancient Greece and Rome.
  62. Peterson's Guide to Colleges - information on undergraduate and graduate education in the US
  63. Physics Classroom, The - Learn basic physics concepts and review them in the Physics Tutorial. Check Your Understanding quizzes let you know you got it.
  64. Pi Pages, The - Think you know everything there is to know about pi? Try this trivia game and test your knowledge.
  65. Project Gutenburg - "Project Gutenberg is the place where you can download over 33,000 free ebooks to read on your PC, iPad, Kindle, Sony Reader, iPhone, Android or other portable device."
  66. Quia Math - more than thirty math activities which include flashcards and a Concentration-style matching game. Topics range from basic addition to algebra terminology. Don't miss the Math Journey, where students can travel around the world as they practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and rounding at four levels.
  67. QuickMath - QuickMath is an automated service for answering common math problems over the internet. Think of it as an online calculator that solves equations and does all sorts of algebra and calculus problems - instantly and automatically!
  68. RHL School, The - subject areas are reading comprehension, math problem solving and computation, English basics, and reference skills. They are most appropriate for elementary through middle school students.
  69. - searchable directories of newsgroups and mailing lists
  70. Research-It! - collection of online research tools. Search dictionaries, translate words, find quotations and more.
  71. Roberts Rules of Order - simplified version of Robert's Rules of Order, the standards for conducting meetings
  72. Roget's Internet Thesaurus
  73. SAT Question of the Day
  74. Science is Fun - the fun of science through home science activities, demonstration shows, videos, and books. Information about these and other science fun stuff is available here.
  75. School Express - an educational mall offering resources for schools, homeschools, teachers, parents and children. Links are given to hundreds of educational web sites. The Free Worksheets are especially popular for school and home use.
  76. Science News for Kids - This site is a resource for kids ages 9 to 14 and their teachers and parents.
  77. Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators - a classified list of sites on the Internet found to be useful for enhancing curriculum and teacher professional growth
  78. Shakespeare - The Complete Works
  79. Space Place, The - Space science can be more fun than your children ever imagined. At The Space Place. Brought to us from the folks at NASA, kids can learn how to make and do "spacey things." Or pick up some "amazing facts" from Dr. Marc
  80. - statistical database which allows you to research and compare a multitude of different data on US states.
  81. Statistical Abstract of the United States
  82. Statistics - How accurate is polling? Find out about statistics concepts through the case study of a fictional election.
  83. Study Guides and Strategies - Study Guides includes over 100 pages of summary guides to assist students in succeeding in their studies. Sections include learning and studying strategies, test preparation and taking, classroom and project participation, reading and writing skills, and more. Translated into 25 languages.
  84. Sunrise/Sunset Computation - Type in a city name and find out times for sunrise, sunset, and more
  85. Tennessee Bob's Famous French Links - guide links to over 7000 French language sites and French educational sites. Compiled by Bob Peckham, University of Tennessee-Martin.
  86. Thomas: Legislative Information on the Internet
  87. Visual Elements - featuring computer-generated images that interpret the 109 entries of the periodic table
  88. Visible Human Project, The - The US National Library of Medicine is creating complete, anatomically detailed, three-dimensional representations of the male and female human body.
  89. Webster Dictionary - the on-line version of Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition
  90. WebMath - the goal of this website is to provide you with an instant solution to the particular math problem you're having trouble solving.
  91. Weights & Measures
  92. Who Represents You in Congress? - Project Vote Smart
  93. Why Files: Science behind the news
  94. WorldClimate: Weather rainfall and temperature data - over 85,000 records of world climate data
  95. World Factbook - CIA
  96. World Rulers
  97. World Wide Metric Calculators
  98. World Time Zones
  99. Z39.50 Gateway - LOC


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